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13.02 – The Rising Son


13.02 – The Rising Son


Writers: Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner
Director: Thomas J. Wright
First aired: Thursday, October 19, 2017

WHAT EVIL THIS WAY COMES… — Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) begin to explore what Jack (Alexander Calvert) is capable of doing with his powers. An unexpected visit from Donatello (guest star Keith Szarbajka) alerts the boys to the fact that Jack will need more protection than the Winchesters can provide. There is a new Prince of Hell in town, Asmodeus (guest star Jeffrey Vincent Parise), and with Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) out of the picture, he sets his sights set on Jack.

The episode was directed by Thomas J. Wright and written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner (#1302). Original airdate 10/19/2017.



In Hell, Drexel is guarding Crowley’s throne. A drunk demon comes in and tells him that they’re done. As Drexel insists that Lucifer will return, a gate opens and a man in a white suit walks in. He says that he’s Asmodeus, the Fourth Prince of Hell, there to rule until Lucifer returns to rule with his son. Asmodeus tells the demons that Crowley’s lackeys will be purged, and calls Drexel and two other demons forward. He kills the rest and says that there’s a new sheriff in town.

Dean and Sam drive back to the bunker with the sleeping Jack in the back. Sam figures that they need to consider matters with Jack, and Dean points out that every time they figure that the bad guys aren’t so bad, people get hurt. He figures that they should start with the obvious: kill Jack once he figures out how. Sam points out that Jack may be the only way to save Samantha, and Dean figures that there’s no way to save her.

In the alternate universe, Lucifer leads Mary across the wasteland. She figures that he’ll kill her no matter what, and Lucifer tells her that he doesn’t want her dead because he needs her alive. He figures that he’s going to exchange Mary for Jack. Mary figures that he doesn’t care about raising a child, and Lucifer tells her that she has no idea what he cares about. A fireball streaks out of the sky and slams down nearby. When the smoke clears, Lucifer discovers that Mary is gone.

Drexel tells Asmodeus that there’s no trace of Lucifer or Jack. Asmodeus is sure that Jack lives, and wants him found and trained to rule with Asmodeus as his advisor. Drexel takes notes and warns that Lucifer has a short fuse. Asmodeus chokes him telekinetically and yanks him forward, and says that h knows the perils of Lucifer’s disappointment. He explains that he freed the Shedim, believing that he could train and use them. Lucifer feared them so he forbade it, locked them up again, and punished Asmodeus. Now he’s Lucifer’s to command, and tells Drexel to write it down.

At Sam’s insistence, the brothers stop at a cheap hotel in Wyoming and take jack in. Jack turns on the TV and watches cartoons, and Dean hesitates and then turns it off. He gives Jack the hotel Bible to read, and Sam and Dean go to bed while Jack thumbs through the Bible. Dean gets takeout and Sam wars the door. Jack imitates Dean’s eating and drinking, then says that the Bible mentions Lucifer. Dean explains that Lucifer is Satan and that’s bad, and that Lucifer turned on God. Jack figures that God is his grandfather and that’s good, and Sam asks him what else he can do. Dean asks Jack if he can teleport outside. Jack walks out, closes the door behind him, and then knocks. Sam lets him back in, and Dean asks him if Lucifer ever reached out to him. Jack has a memory flash of Lucifer locked up in Hell, but just tells the brothers that he’s good.

Outside, a man walks down the hallway and approaches the hotel room. The Winchesters hear him and Dean grabs the man and drags him in. It’s Donatello, who asks them if God is with them. He explains that a sign of maturity. He still doesn’t have his soul because of Amara, but he’s getting by. Donatello says that a few days ago, he was knocked off his feet by a wave of power. He was drawn to it, and realizes that Jack is the source. Sam explains that Jack is a Nephilim, the son of Lucifer, and tells Jack that Donatello is a Prophet. Donatello tells Jack that he met Jack’s father, and Sam figures that Jack needs protection if he can be tracked.

The brothers take Jack to a tattooist and give him a ward to tattoo on him like they have. As they wait, Dean warns that Sam is too attached to Jack. Sam suggests that they train Jack to use his powers for good. When the tattooist starts, Jack smashes him back with a wave of power and complains that it hurt. Dean tells him to deal with it, and Jack figures that accepting pain is. Once the tattooist finishes, Jack concentrates and the tattoo disappears.

As the trio goes back to the Impala, a homeless woman sees them and the demon possessing her takes in Jack’s presence with interest.

Back at the hotel room, Dean figures that Jack did what he did everything. Sam and Donatello disagree, and Jack insists that they can teach Jack not to be evil. Donatello warns that teaching won’t work, and they tur to discover that Jack is gone.

Jack sits outside and remembers Kelly telling him that he’s going to be amazing. Sam finds Jack and figures that he wanted to be away from everyone being angry. Jack admits that he teleported away, and Sam sits down and tells him that he has to get a grip on hiss special skills so he doesn’t hurt anyone. He explains that sometimes Dean gets frustrated and angry, and Dean feels that it’s his job to protect everyone. Sam says that they need to protect, but they may also need to protect people from Jack. Jack wonders if he’s worth all the effort, and Sam says that Kelly and Castiel thought that he was… and so does he.

Dean goes to the hotel bar to drink. He talks with the bartender, explaining that jack has issues with his dad. The bartender says that she hated her father and ran away, and no matter what they want the old man’s approval. Dean says that he knows what she’s talking about, pays up, and leaves. Behind the bar, the real bartender lies dead. Once Dean leaves, Amadeus reverts to his normal form.

The next day, Donatello comes back from his room and Sam apologizes for sticking Jack with him. Donatello asks him if he has any idea how powerful Jack will get. Sam admits that he doesn’t know, but the lore says that a Nephilim becomes more powerful than the angel who sired him. He figures that since Kelly was a good person, Jack can be molded into a good person as well.

In the other universe, Samantha walks across the wasteland and a Hunter confronts her. He holds her at gunpoint and demands to know who she is. The man doesn’t believe that she’s a Hunter, but figures that she doesn’t walk like an angel. He doses her with holy water and there’s no reaction, and says that he hasn’t met a female Hunter since the war began. When Mary explains about the fireball, the Hunter says that the angels are always taking shots. He advances on her and grabs her, and Mary tries to fight him off. As he prepares to shoot her, Lucifer rams his first through the man’s chest. He points out that he and Mary need each other so they can both win. When Mary tells him that she doesn’t want him to win, Lucifer snaps his fingers and she collapses in pain for a few seconds.

Dean comes back to the hotel room and Sam says that they have to be on the same page. His brother says that they’re not, and Sam says that they’ve been down before and they’ve managed to fix things. He insists that Jack wants to do the right thing, and he’s scared of Dean. Donatello comes in and points out that Donatello was there a few minutes ago and they talked. The Prophet has no idea what Sam is talking about, and they go to Donatello’s room to discover that Jack is gone. Donatello stares off into space and then says that he can feel where Jack went.

Dean goes back to their room to get the gear, and a demon attacks him. They fight and Sam arrives to kill the demon. They figure that the word is out, and go back to help Donatello. Another demon is attacking him, and Dean throws his blade into the demon’s throat.

The fake Donatello takes Jack to a field and says that God has a message for Jack. Jack must train himself to use his gifts and fulfill his destiny. When Jack wonders how, Donatello explains that they have to rescue the Shedim, and God wants Jack to do that. He tells Jack to drill to the surface and bring up the Shedim.

The real Donatello directs Sam and Dean and says that he’s sensing a darker power emanation near Jack. Sam checks John’s journal and discovers that there’s a gate to Hell, and it leads to creatures too bad for the Pit to hold.

As Lucifer and Mary continue on, a group of angels fly down and their leader Michael says that he smells a creature of Hell. Lucifer introduces himself but the lead angel says that Lucifer was killed by the archangel Michael. The angels prepare to smite Lucifer, and he snaps their fingers and disintegrates them. Michael arrives and says that Lucifer should be dead. Lucifer realizes that it’s Michael.

The fake Donatello continues telling Jack to open the Gate and it starts to open. A creature climbs out just as the Impala arrives. Sam calls on Jack to stop, and Donatello says that the fake Donatello isn’t Donatello. Dean shoots the fake and Asmodeus reverts to his normal form. Asmodeus chokes them, but Jack closes the gate. The demon tells Jack that he can give him the world, and Jack says that he’s hurting his friends. His eyes flare red and Asmodeus disappears.

Michael wonders how Lucifer can be there, and Lucifer tells him about alternate universe. He says that Michael is a cheap knockoff to the one he left behind, and Michael says that he tore his Lucifer apart. The angel punches him and the two celestials fight. Michael manages to pin Lucifer, but says that he needs him.

When they get to the bunker. Sam and Dean have a beer. Sam confirms that the lore says that Asmodeus is the last of the Lords of Hell. He says that Jack saved them, but Dean figures that it was just a reflex. He goes to his bedroom, and hears Jack in his new room. Jack is stabbing himself with a knife but his wounds heal instantly. Dean takes the knife and tells Jack not to be an idiot, and Jack wonders what the hell he is. He says that he can’t control whatever power he has, and will hurt someone. Dean tells him that Sam thinks that he can be saved, but he doesn’t believe it. If he’s right then he’ll be the one to kill Jack, and walks out.

Guest Stars


Mark Pellegrino Mark Pellegrino Lucifer
Alexander Calvert Alexander Calvert Jack
Samantha Smith Samantha Smith Mary Winchester
Christian Keyes Christian Keyes Michael
Keith Szarabajka Keith Szarabajka Donatello Redfield
Jeffrey Vincent Parise Jeffrey Vincent Parise Asmodeus
Eric Breker Eric Breker Alternate Universe hunter
Ryan S Williams Ryan S Williams Commander
Alex Barima Alex Barima Drexel
Adil Zaidi Adil Zaidi Drunk Demon
Mark Sweatman Mark Sweatman Tattooist
Aubrey Arnason Aubrey Arnason Bartender
Michelle Clarke-Brown Michelle Clarke-Brown Female Demon




Extended Trailer




Blades” by The Zellots
(playing in the tattoo shop while Jack gets warding tattoos)

“Graveyard Shift” by Lynda Kay
(playing in the bar as Dean is speaking with the “waitress”)





Dean: Wait, wait, wait, wait. How old do you think you are?
Jack: Three days, seventeen hours, and forty-two minutes.


Sam: I’ll tell you what. You got some special skills, Jack. That’s for sure. We just need to make sure to get a grip on them, so… so you don’t hurt anybody.
Jack: Is that why Dean hates me?
Sam: Dean doesn’t hate you. It.. Look, sometimes the wires in Dean’s head get crossed and — and he gets frustrated, and then he mixes frustration with anger and — and fear.
Jack: Why would he be afraid?
Sam: Because Dean feels like it’s his job to protect everyone. And right now, we need to protect you. But we also may need to protect people from you.
Jack: Maybe I’m not worth all this.
Sam: Your mom thought you were. So did Cass. So do I.


Lucifer: You’re welcome. Uh, Mary, in case you didn’t notice this, you left without me. What is wrong with you? We need each other. This is a win-win situation. Okay? We get out of this… theme park, we both get our boys back.
Mary: You think I want you to win?


Sam: Alright. You know what? I know what’s going on here.
Dean: Oh. Okay. Well, please, tell me, what’s going on here?
Sam: You thinking that Mom is gone and Cass is gone, and that Jack can’t be saved. Dean, after everything we’ve gone through… We just lost people we love, people who have been in our lives for a long time. Everything’s upside-down. I get it. But we’ve been down before. I mean, rock bottom. And we find a way. We fix it because that’s what we do. And Jack wants to do the right thing. Jack’s scared to death of who he is, and he’s scared of you.





Drexel: Lord Lucifer promised he would return. He’ll pull us out of chaos. He will make Hell great again.

“Make Hell great again” is a play on the Donald Trump presidential campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

The demon Asmodeus is considered a king of the shedim in Jewish folklore, and listed as a Prince of Hell in Binsfeld’s Classification of Demons, where he is the demon associated with the sin of lust.


Asmodeus: At this point, we must focus on the son.
Drexel: There’s no sign of him either, sir. Maybe a sudden infant death?

Sudden infant death syndrome also known as SIDS and crib death, is the sudden unexplained death of an infant, typically between the hours of 00:00 and 09:00 while the infant is sleeping.



Asmodeus: Long ago. Eager to please, I freed the shedim.

In Jewish folklore, the shedim are considered demons or evil spirits. They are believed to be the descendants of serpent-like demons, or alternately the spawn of the demon Azazel and Naamah; in one legend they are thought to have been the first humans, whom God did not complete due to needing to rest on the Sabbath. In Jewish and Islamic lore, the shedim are said to be the followers of Asmodeus, who is their king.


The episode of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! that Jack was watching was “That Snow Ghost”. This season in episode 16, Supernatural will do an episode featuring Scooby-Doo.


Jack: This book, it mentions my father. Not Castiel, but Lucifer.
Dean: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he’s — he’s big in the Bible. Lotta screen time.
Jack: And you… knew him?
Sam: Well, he’s not really an easy guy to know. He’s, um, he’s kind of rough around the edges.
Dean: He’s Satan.

Lucifer appears most famously in Isaiah 14:12, where a translation using the Latin Vulgate, took the phrase “morning star” and subbed it with “lucifer.”

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: ‘Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?'”

It is believed by modern scholars that the the “morning star” was not referencing a fallen angel, rather an unnamed king of Babylon.


Sam: You okay?
Donatello: Ah, pretty much. No soul of course, thanks to Amara. It’s kinda like losing your appendix. You never really noticed it when you had it. But now, when I come to a moral crossroad, I ask myself, ‘What would Mr. Rogers do?’ And as soon as I nail that, I’m usually good.

“Mr. Rogers” refers to Fred Rogers the kindly host of the children’s show Mister Roger’s Neighborhood.



Donatello: Ah. The nature versus nurture conundrum.
Dean: Hey.
Sam: Dude…
Donatello: Oh. Speaking not as prophet, but as a scientist, I don’t think teaching him is in the cards. It’s like asking a lion not to be a lion.
Sam: But this isn’t a lion! This is a human!
Donatello: With a strong dose of God juice.
Dean: Okay, that’s it, I’m done, all right? Because he’s not God, he’s not Cas, he’s not Simba. He’s the freakin’ Devil.

“The nature versus nurture conundrum” refers to the question of whether aspects of a person’s character are primarily shaped by their genetics (nature) or the environment of their upbringing (nurture).
Simba is a character from the Disney film The Lion King (which was inspired by William Shakespeare’s Hamlet). Simba is the son of the King of the Lions, and destined to become King himself.



Lucifer: Was he kidding? I mean, even in the land of Bizarro, an angel isn’t gonna try to…

“Land of Bizarro” refers to a term originated in Superman comics but which has since become widely used for an alternate universe that is similar to our world but different in some significant way.




Sam: These yellow-eyed things just keep on coming, huh?
Dean: Mm-hmm. And hopefully this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family.

The Kardashians are a family who became famous through a long-running reality TV series based around them.

Eric Breker, who played the Apocalypse World Hunter, previously played Police Officer in 3.14 Long-Distance Call.
Mark Sweatman, who played Tattooist, previously played Lizzie’s Brother, in 4.11 Family Remains.
Aubrey Amson, who played Bartender, previously played Hannah Thompson in 5.15 Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid.
Sam had his anti-possession tattoo removed when Castiel burned it off to allow Crowley to help expel Gadreel from Sam’s body. This episode reveals that Sam was able to have the symbol tattooed on his chest again at some point after the events in 9.10 Road Trip.
The name of the bar where Dean goes to get a drink, Black Spur Bar, was previously used in 10.01 Black and was located at 156 Knife River Road, Beulah, North Dakota. A monkey figurine can be seen on the counter in the bar which is the same figurine previously seen in Harvelle’s Roadhouse which can be seen in 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One.
Asmodeus telling Dean how his “mother” would never stick up for him can possibly be seen as an allusion to Lilith, who was the first demon created by Lucifer.
For the first time since 9.11 First Born, John’s Journal is used again to help on a case. Prior to “First Born”, it was used as a source of information at least once a season. Since “First Born”, it has only appeared a few times in Mary’s possession during season 12.





Episode Spoilers can be read HERE

Episode Schedule

Thu, Oct 10 15.01 - Back and to the Future - Season Premiere
Thu, Oc 17 15.02 - Raising Hell
Thu, Oct 24 15.03 - The Rupture
Thu, Nov 7 15.04 - Atomic Monsters
Thu, Nov 14 15.05 - Proverbs 17:3
Thu, Nov 21 15.06 - Golden Time
Thu, Dec 05 15.07 - Last Call
Thu, Dec 12 15.08 - Our Father, Who Aren’t In Heaven
Thu, Jan 16 2020 15.09 - The Trap
Thu, Jan 23 2020 15.10 - The Heroes' Journey
Thu, Jan 30 2020 15.11 - The Gamblers
Mon, March 16 2020 15.12 - Galaxy Brain
Mon, March 23 2020 15.13 - Destiny's Child
Thu, Oct 08 2020 15.14 - Last Holiday
Thu, Oct 15 2020 15.15 - Gimme Shelter
Thu, Oct 22 2020 15.16 - Drag Me Away (From You)
Thu, Oct 29 2020 15.17 - Unity
Thu, Nov 05 2020 15.18 - Despair
Thu, Nov 12 2020 15.19 - Inherit the Earth
Thu, Nov 19 2020 15.20 - Carry On - Series Finale

* This Schedule might change as new info come.

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